Agriculture is vitally important to the Malawi economy. Farmers need to be open to new ideas and practices to improve animal protein production from cattle. There are many benefits to improving cattle husbandry in Malawi. Modern cattle-breeding methods in Malawi help farmers produce better meat and milk. The availability of better animal feed for cattle can help animals grow faster and healthier. Modern breeds can help farmers produce more milk, or grow faster for sale as beef.

The country has several climatic zones that offer suitable conditions for livestock farming: warm lowlands with abundant natural grasses; hot humid savannahs where cattle can graze year round; cold highlands suitable for sheep raising; tropical forests which provide shelter from heavy rains while also allowing cows access to shade during hot spells (this enables them to produce more milk).

There are two main seasons, namely the cool dry season between May and October with mean temperatures of around 13°C in June and July and the hot wet season between November and April with temperatures between 30°- 35°C.

Agriculture is vitally important to the Malawi economy.

Agriculture accounts for about 20 percent of GDP, employs about 80 percent of the workforce and is a major source of foreign exchange earnings. Agricultural production in Malawi has grown at an average annual rate of 2.8% over the past 10 years and has been more volatile than other sectors.

Farmers need to be open to new ideas and practices to improve animal protein production from cattle. Cattle breeding services in Malawi are important not only to beef production but also to milk production.

There are many benefits to improving cattle husbandry in Malawi:

  • Animal protein production is the production of meat and eggs from animals. This includes the farming of poultry, pigs and other animals that are raised for their flesh and eggs.
  • Improved animal health means that you’ll be able to spend less money on veterinary treatment for your cattle, so you can save more.
  • Increased milk and beef production will give a boost to your income when selling these products at market prices. This is especially great if you’re breeding dairy cows since they produce milk throughout their lives (unlike most other livestock).
  • Improved animal welfare means that all animals have adequate shelter from the elements as well as clean water to drink every day. Cows need space in which they can walk freely without bumping into each other or fences because this helps them stay healthy over time spans up until their natural death age (which may be up t0 20 years old).
Modern cattle-breeding methods in Malawi help farmers produce better beef and milk.

The practice of cattle breeding has been instrumental in the development of  modern farming, especially since the end of World War II. In addition to providing food and leather, it also provides employment. Cattle-breeding services in Malawi can help farmers produce better beef and milk by using modern methods that have been perfected over centuries by breeders across Africa. Cattle breeders are dedicated to their profession and strive to abide by best practices when it comes to caring for livestock as well as researching new ways to improve milk production or increase herd size per acreage.

One such breeder group is Peacock Seeds, who specialize in raising Boer goats for meat production purposes rather than milk production purposes like most other goat breeds do; however BG does allow its members access to quality genetics when needed so long as those members pay an annual fee which goes towards helping maintain standards within each organization’s respective industry niche marketplace space.”

The availability of better animal feed for cattle can help animals grow faster and healthier.

Cattle breeding services in Malawi that offer better animal feeds can help improve the health of livestock. This, in turn, improves milk production and quality. It also improves the quality of beef production. Modern breeds can help farmers produce more milk, or grow faster for sale as beef. If you want to improve the productivity of your herd, then you may want to consider purchasing more productive breeds. Modern beef and dairy cattle breeds are usually more productive than traditional breeds. Selecting more productive breeds will enable farmers to produce more milk or meat for sale, which can increase their profit margin per animal.

Improved animal nutrition is also important for improving productivity of livestock farming in Malawi. Feeds like concentrates (grain) improve the quality of animals’ meat and milk production, because concentrates are high in energy content compared to natural foods such as grasses which are low in energy content but take longer time to digest. With time every farmers discovers that cattle breeding services are the most important aspect of improving livestock production. We make sure you get high quality animal feed that will help to improve your cattle breeding in Malawi and make your cows produce more milk and beef than ever before.


The Malawi economy relies heavily on agriculture, and animal products are a major part of this. Cattle is an important source of protein for people in Malawi, but current methods of raising animals can be improved. Improved breeding methods will help farmers produce better-quality meat and milk from their cattle, which will make both products more desirable by consumers, translating to more returns for farmers.